Additional Bugfix for Representative Day 2-D & 3-D Surface Gridded Emissions Files

kmfoley opened this issue · 1 comments

Date: 2020-03-09
Contact: David Wong (

Description: Using a 2-D and/or 3-D Gridded Emission File with representative day format specified via runscript with the environmental variable GR_EM_SYM_DATE_XXX set to T will cause a model crash when reading time-dependent initial conditions (ICs) due to a memory issue. This issue stems from the choice to psuedo-interpolate the ICs instead of extracting them directly, which is problematic if an emissions file is a 2-D or 3-D Emissions file of representative type. This is because to linearly interpolate temporally, two points are required stored as the head and tail. The head was stored correctly, but the tail was not being stored correctly and was picking up from whatever was in memory last, which usually is the 2-D/3-D Gridded Emissions file. This resulted in an error when trying to extract the data at the second point as the IC file only has data at the head.

If no emissions are present, the interpolation would pick the point from whatever file was read last whether that be a MET file, bioseason file, lightning file or IC file.

It should be noted, this issue would have not been seen if the IC file were time independent as IOAPI ignores the time input when trying to extract data from time independent files.

Scope and Impact: The model will terminate execution with a time retrieval error for the initial conditions. No model results will change.

Solution: Replace CCTM/src/cio/centralized_io_module.F file in repository with the version located in the folder DOCS/Known_Issues/CMAQv5.3.1-i2. Directions on how to replace this file in your repository can be found in Appendix F of the CMAQ User's Guide. This code fix will also be included with the next minor CMAQ release.

Resolved with release of v5.3.2.
See v5.3.2 Release Notes.