Two-Way Model Download

zacadelman opened this issue · 3 comments

The instructions for the WRF-CMAQ model on the release notes page are not correct:

Download coupled model tarball from the CMAS Center Software Clearinghouse. From, select Download -> Software -> CMAQ and choose version 5.2 to download the file WRFv3.8_CMAQv5.2_TwoWay_Model.tar.gz. Unzip the tarball and then move the twoway directory inside WRFV38 as well.

There is no tar.gz file on the CMAS page. Further, we should put the contents of this file up on GitHub so that it downloads with the repo.

Added a link to the two way package on CMAS, but we should still add these codes to the repo to be part of the download package.

Hello guys,
I have encountered an error during installation of the WRF-CMAQ Coupled Model on my Linux system. Could you please take a look at my log (attached below) as long as I could not find any solution for the error. (The error begins with: None of WRF_EM_CORE, WRF_NMM_CORE, specified in shell environment....)
Thanks for your support!

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