Two-Way Model Package Updates/Bug Fixes

zacadelman opened this issue · 7 comments

The twoway/reconfigure script is looking for a CCTM config file called cfg*. The name of this file in the new CMAQv5.2 release is now *.cfg.

Change line 3 for twoway/reconfigure to:
set cfg_file = ls -1 cmaq/*.cfg

Update the Build Instructions documentation to say that the user must set the variable FC to either ifort, pgi, or gfort before running the command twoway/assemble (8th bullet in the build instructions section)

Line 43 of twoway/reconfigure need to terminate the sed command by adding a "/" after the 132:

sed 's/-ffixed-form/-ffixed-form -ffixed-line-length-132/' \

Update twoway/reconfigure so that LIOAPI in configure.wrf is set to lib:

#if ($FC == ifort) then
#   echo "LIOAPI  = Linux2_x86_64ifort" >> __temp
#else if ($FC == pgi) then
#   echo "LIOAPI  = Linux2_x86_64pg" >> __temp
#else if ($FC == gfort) then
#   echo "LIOAPI  = Linux2_x86_64gfort" >> __temp
   echo "LIOAPI  = lib" >> __temp

Add a note to the documentation that if Gfortran is used to compile WRF-CMAQ, it must be newer than v5.0 (requirement of WRF3.8).

Change line 3 of twoway/misc/Makefile.twoway.part1 from

IOAPI_INC_PATH = $(IOAPI)/ioapi/fixed_src


IOAPI_INC_PATH = $(IOAPI)/include_files

Variable biogon is undefined in the script twoway_model_run_script

  • The twoway/reconfigure script is looking for a CCTM config file called cfg*.

    has been addressed

  • Update the Build Instructions documentation to say that the user must set the variable FC to either ifort, pgi, or gfort before running the command twoway/assemble (8th bullet in the build instructions section)

    FC is inherited from configure.wrf so user does not need to set it

  • Line 43 of twoway/reconfigure need to terminate the sed command by adding a "/" after the 132

    has bee addressed

  • Update twoway/reconfigure so that LIOAPI in configure.wrf is set to lib

    I think we should keep the traditional notation Linux2_x86_* where * is a specific compiler, e.g. 64ifort or 64pg

  • Add a note to the documentation that if Gfortran is used to compile WRF-CMAQ, it must be newer than v5.0 (requirement of WRF3.8)


  • Change line 3 of twoway/misc/Makefile.twoway.part1

    I think we should keep the traditional IOAPI path structure, i.e. IOAPI_INC_PATH = $(IOAPI)/ioapi/fixed_src

  • Variable biogon is undefined in the script twoway_model_run_script

    That line should be replaced with

      if ( $CTM_BIOGEMIS == 'Y' ) then

    and it has been addressed