Initialize GitHub actions

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Initialize GitHub actions to check/compile data

Outline of steps:

  • 1. Create script to generate system data .rda file. Use existing configure fredi markdown for workflow #2
  • 2. Create github action yml to run script and use piggyback to store data. Trigger on change to excel config file. #1
  • 3. Create github action yml to take finalized .rda file and make a push to main FrEDI repository?
    - Not sure about this one. We could have manual pull request into main FrEDI or when we think things are ready, trigger on update to a specific branch and push to main FrEDI repository?

Initialized actions for configuring, testing, and updating FrEDI data. We also initialized actions for the SV data, although these have not been test yet. We are pulling in the FrEDI data through a GitHub action on the FrEDI repo

Initialized as of Merge #29