
Designate Reviewer/Contact for Incorrect Tier II Facility Locations

krewritten opened this issue · 6 comments

We need to identify who will be the contact point for reviewing/editing incorrect locations in the Tier II facilities dataset. This information will be included in the rebuilt Tier II widget when users are viewing locations requiring review.

We'll check with Greg to see who he thinks this should be. Should it be limited to one person?

Sounds great, I think one person is great but a few would work as long as there is some level of coordination on who is primarily responsible for it.

tbock commented

@abprins any word on this. Perhaps its time to check in on TierII in general again?

@tbock no word on this specifically. I finally heard back from the AZ Tier II support folks yesterday (you were cc'd) after two months of trying to pin them down, so yeah I think we're due a check-in after they get back to us with a solution. Until then, we're still stalled on updating our AZ data. I don't like meeting with Greg unless we have something concrete to show him, so let's hold until AZ is resolved?

tbock commented

@abprins anything to do here about designating a reviewer/contact for "incorrect" locations?

@tbock no, nothing to do here. Stakeholders have been silent/non-responsive about Tier II for over a year. If they need anything else, they'll come to us.