
Split of HFCs leaves uncharacterized "Others"

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def split_HFCs_by_type(fba, source_dict, **_):

This fxn works to speciate the "HFCs and PFCs" in T_4_102 based on the breakdown in T_4_100, but this leaves the "Others" flows

These "Others" flows do not get characterized later. The CO2e of these Others is not-negligible - it is 9% of these ODS Substitutes CO2e in 2016 and 10% in 2017

That's correct, and consistent with the NGHGIAM in excel. I think that is the main source of "lost" HFCs (along with the skipped Aerosols, Fire Protection, and Solvents)

I agree that it was lost before, but i think we should add it in as its included in the GHGI. An option is to assigned it a proxy species

Here is some language from the GHGI 2022 4-137

Others represent an unspecified mix of HFCs and PFCs, which includes HFC-152a, HFC-227ea, HFC-245fa, HFC-365mfc, HFC-43-10mee, HCFO-1233zd(E), HFO-1234yf, HFO-1234ze(E), HFO-1336mzz(Z), C4F10, and PFC/PFPEs, the latter being a proxy for a diverse collection of PFCs and perfluoropolyethers (PFPEs) employed for solvent applications. For estimating purposes, the GWP value used for PFC/PFPEs was based upon C6F14.

I don't think it implies that all the Others use the C6F14 CF, but C6F14 could potentially be used as a proxy.

Would there be another option of including the CO2e from these Others like perhaps using a CO2e flowable?

Two immediate options that come to mind are to either:

  • map "Others" to something in the FEDEFL (we don't really have a great non-specific flow)
  • or to keep_unmapped_flows: True to just leave it in the final FBS. Note the context and units would be different if there is no mapping:
Flowable Class SectorProducedBy SectorConsumedBy SectorSourceName Context Location LocationSystem FlowAmount Unit FlowType Year
HFC-125 Chemicals 211111   NAICS_2012_Code emission/air 0 FIPS 1722.324 kg ELEMENTARY_FLOW 2016
HFC-134a Chemicals 211111   NAICS_2012_Code emission/air 0 FIPS 6210.874 kg ELEMENTARY_FLOW 2016
HFC-143a Chemicals 211111   NAICS_2012_Code emission/air 0 FIPS 810.8729 kg ELEMENTARY_FLOW 2016
HFC-236fa Chemicals 211111   NAICS_2012_Code emission/air 0 FIPS 17.03279 kg ELEMENTARY_FLOW 2016
HFC-32 Chemicals 211111   NAICS_2012_Code emission/air 0 FIPS 875.92 kg ELEMENTARY_FLOW 2016
Others Chemicals 211111   NAICS_2012_Code air 0 FIPS 0.001915 MMT CO2e ELEMENTARY_FLOW 2016

Ah yes saw your edit - we could do a generic CO2e flowable and add that to the flow list (per bullet 1 above)

HFCs and PFCs, unspecified perhaps with a MTCO2e unit?

Yes I like that idea if you are ok with that flow.

The units is going to be a challenge - mass units with CO2e is not a valid unit.

Could we call the flow HFCs and PFCs, unspecified (CO2e) and use units of kg?

I'm working on hfcs branch of fedelemflowlist

Will look something like this, pending final name:

Flowable Class SectorProducedBy SectorConsumedBy SectorSourceName Context Location LocationSystem FlowAmount Unit FlowType Year
HFC-125 Chemicals 211111   NAICS_2012_Code emission/air 0 FIPS 1,722 kg ELEMENTARY_FLOW 2016
HFC-134a Chemicals 211111   NAICS_2012_Code emission/air 0 FIPS 6,211 kg ELEMENTARY_FLOW 2016
HFC-143a Chemicals 211111   NAICS_2012_Code emission/air 0 FIPS 811 kg ELEMENTARY_FLOW 2016
HFC-236fa Chemicals 211111   NAICS_2012_Code emission/air 0 FIPS 17 kg ELEMENTARY_FLOW 2016
HFC-32 Chemicals 211111   NAICS_2012_Code emission/air 0 FIPS 876 kg ELEMENTARY_FLOW 2016
HFCs and PFCs, unspecified Chemicals 211111   NAICS_2012_Code emission/air 0 FIPS 1,915 kg ELEMENTARY_FLOW 2016