
General Tab 2nd sentence

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  • Bold the variables so the pop out from standard text
  • Modify text to read "The wetlands and deepwater habitats in this area were photo interpreted using....."
  • Comma delimit Image_scale RF (i.e. 1:65,000)
  • Add the word scale after RF (i.e. 1:65,000 scale)
  • If Image_Scale returns 10 or less substitute the equation "1: scale" with " meter digital" (i.e. '10 meter digital' or '1 meter digital')
  • Change the Source_Type code to text
    • TC = True Color
    • CIR = Color Infrared
    • BW = Black and White
  • If Source_Type is 'Scalable' change second second to:
    • 'The data in this area are considered an interim scalable map product. Click here for a full
      description of Scalable Wetland Mapping'
    • Retain portion/logic if a map report is present that reads:
      • " Click here for project specific mapping conventions and information."