
MCMP error with large number of subjects ID - The number of individuals in reduced.phi' and strata.tab are not the same

michielve opened this issue · 1 comments

Running a MCMP with a large number of subjects results in the following error due to rounding of the ID column in strata.tab:
"The number of individuals in reduced.phi' and strata.tab are not the same"

As the $TABLE line for strata.tab is added by PsN, it was not possible to change the format of the table by modifying the full or reduced model.

Using NONMEM 7.5, this was implemented by modifying line 407 in tool\mcmp.pm to:

Which includes the ID column as integers and solved the issues for large sample sizes. Another formatting setting that is backward compatible with previous NM version could of course also be implemented here.

Thanks for reporting this and also for proposing a solution for NONMEM 7.5.