
xpose didn't recognize all ETAs when interoccasion variability was used

UNCcrawler opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I am using get_data() to read the nonmem output. I have five ETAs but get_data() only read four. I confirmed that ETA5 was in the patab output and not all zero. Similarly, ETA5 was dropped in eta_distrib(). I noticed that this only occurs when I am using interoccasion variability.
Could you please suggest what could be possibly wrong? Of course, I can directly read the patab file as a workaround, but I still prefer to use this package.

Below is the nonmem code in case it is relevant.
0.217 ;[1-IIV CL]
0.172 ;[2-IIV V]
$OMEGA BLOCK(1) 0.1 ;[3-IIV KA]

Hello, the get_data() function should not drop any column it is only a convenience function which returns the aggregated data from the xpdb. Would it be possible for you to send me a reproducible example so that I could look into your issue?

Hello, sorry for the late response. I am not able to send over the data due to confidentiality reason. I also moved away from that particular model and found out my other models with interoccasion variability work fine. Thank you for your time.