
Add nightly cronjobs to run AnVIL audits

Closed this issue · 5 comments

These commands should be run:

  • nightly: python manage.py run_anvil_audit --email primedconsortium@uw.edu --errors-only
  • weekly: python manage.py run_anvil_audit --email primedconsortium@uw.edu

They should happen on the same days as the corresponding cron jobs for GREGoR, but offset by an hour or two.

@jmcarson not super urgent but it would be good to get the audits and up and running for PRIMED as well.

This has been deployed/enabled for apps primed. It is showing no errors so you won't get any email except on the full run. I can do a full run test in prod if you want to verify email receipt, let me know.

Thanks, sounds good! Yes, please do a full run test on prod so I can make sure our helpscout workflows are set up properly.

Ok, you should have gotten the 4 'Audit ok' emails from the full run.

I got the emails, thanks. I'll close the issue.