
Convert from google presentation links to actual .md files

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Easier to maintain.

How do we do this and then actually retain the format and whatnot? Or do we just want to retain content?

See my recent changes.

You create links like this. You do this by wrapping the text in square brackets and the link in parentheses.

I'm going to reopen. I think it'd be better for long term maintainability to get away from external links. Yeah, the slides may lose something (we can keep links as well), but it'd be nice to have a fully text .md for maintainability. Also, it gives you the ability to have text that you'd say but isn't on your slides (because slides full of text make us all sad).

tl:dr -> I think there is value in creating a 'transcript' of presentation. Doesn't have to be verbatim of course, but could be nice addition 8|

Just to clarify what Nick was thinking here since I needed it:

  • Make previous presentations in .md format so they aren't (only) hosted in external google-docs
  • In future presentations make this a standard
  • In future presentations possibly create transcripts at the event

Yeah. If we can download and archive the existing presentations here as well, that'd be great too. Basically, just want to future proof the talks

I think the easiest way would be to "print" as PDFs and then post those. I can convert and upload.

Ok, all the pertinent ones should be in PDF form. LMK if there's any missing.