
Webcam doesn't work on safari

Closed this issue · 11 comments

If someone that uses a mac could debug and fix this, that's be super cool

This might help diagnose: http://caniuse.com/#info_about

Second m'neils request, I tried super hard to get iOS and osx to be useful devices, but I failed. If it helps, look in to something called HLS for apple compat.

Well here you go: Safari (and several others) do not support the webm format. Unless we change the source (or provide an alternate) or do something crazy on the front-end, I think we're stuck.

Further reading: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Supported_media_formats

I think this was probably fixed by our latest webcam edits. I don't see why it wouldn't work on Safari with our new design.

Doesn't work for my Safari

[Warning] The page at https://uw-upl.github.io/ was allowed to display insecure content from http://siren.upl.cs.wisc.edu:1312/webcam-frame.jpg?0.7545398265397039. (uw-upl.github.io, line 1)

Yea that is part of another issue for getting certs for the cam computer

Does it actually not work on Safari or does it just print that message out?

Tested on jazz's phone it does not. I assume they block it completely . (Where chrome just gives you a warning)

Yeah nothing even showed up. @Squeakrats , I'm pretty sure it's an iOS problem and not a browser problem in the context of phones. But yeah, Safari didn't work on my laptop.

Closing for now, re-open if we intend to fix at some point.