Sasha: Kitchen Sink Summary Function Wish List

AlexanderGraham opened this issue · 2 comments

  • The story of the kitchen sink

  • Network
    • of Nodes

    • of Edges

    • of Isolates

    • of Subcomponents

    • of Subcomponents > 1

    • Average size of subcomponents
    • Average size of subcomponents that are NOT the giant component
    • Directed, Undirected, or Mixed?
    • Bipartite?
      -- If Directed: DAG?
      -- If Directed: Average Indegree, average Outdegree
      -- If Not Directed: Average degree
    • Node Attributes
    • Edge Attributes

** Social Network Visualizations:
-- Plot histogram of degree (indegree and outdegree if they exist)
-- Plot histogram of MGD
-- Plot histogram of ESP
-- Plot network
--- Edge thickness by weight
--- Edge thickness by similarity score

  • Network SimSummary
  • Average similarity
  • Average dissimilarity

** Network SimSummary Visualizations

  • Plot histogram of node-node similarity scores
  • Plot histograms of all similarity scores calculated
  • Semantic Summary Stuff
  • Number of Discourse Categories

** Semantic Visualizations

  • Alluvial Flow diagram

** Semantic Network

  • Plot Semantic Network
    -- Colour by Discourse Categories(?)

FYI, I am probably going to break these into separate issues soon. For now I will leave as it is.

Closing this issue to break it down into specific tasks to be tracked.