model and ckpt don't match
jiang25262 opened this issue · 3 comments
jiang25262 commented
Thanks for your great work!
Why there are some weights don't match?
*UNLOADED* norm0.bias, Model Shape: torch.Size([192])
*UNLOADED* norm0.weight, Model Shape: torch.Size([192])
*UNLOADED* norm1.bias, Model Shape: torch.Size([384])
*UNLOADED* norm1.weight, Model Shape: torch.Size([384])
*UNLOADED* norm2.bias, Model Shape: torch.Size([768])
*UNLOADED* norm2.weight, Model Shape: torch.Size([768])
*UNLOADED* norm3.bias, Model Shape: torch.Size([1536])
*UNLOADED* norm3.weight, Model Shape: torch.Size([1536])
$UNUSED$ head.bias, Ckpt Shape: torch.Size([21841])
$UNUSED$ head.weight, Ckpt Shape: torch.Size([21841, 1536])
$UNUSED$ layers.0.blocks.1.attn_mask, Ckpt Shape: torch.Size([64, 144, 144])
$UNUSED$ layers.1.blocks.1.attn_mask, Ckpt Shape: torch.Size([16, 144, 144])
$UNUSED$ layers.2.blocks.1.attn_mask, Ckpt Shape: torch.Size([4, 144, 144])
$UNUSED$ layers.2.blocks.11.attn_mask, Ckpt Shape: torch.Size([4, 144, 144])
$UNUSED$ layers.2.blocks.13.attn_mask, Ckpt Shape: torch.Size([4, 144, 144])
$UNUSED$ layers.2.blocks.15.attn_mask, Ckpt Shape: torch.Size([4, 144, 144])
$UNUSED$ layers.2.blocks.17.attn_mask, Ckpt Shape: torch.Size([4, 144, 144])
$UNUSED$ layers.2.blocks.3.attn_mask, Ckpt Shape: torch.Size([4, 144, 144])
$UNUSED$ layers.2.blocks.5.attn_mask, Ckpt Shape: torch.Size([4, 144, 144])
$UNUSED$ layers.2.blocks.7.attn_mask, Ckpt Shape: torch.Size([4, 144, 144])
$UNUSED$ layers.2.blocks.9.attn_mask, Ckpt Shape: torch.Size([4, 144, 144])
$UNUSED$ norm.bias, Ckpt Shape: torch.Size([1536])
$UNUSED$ norm.weight, Ckpt Shape: torch.Size([1536])
jiang25262 commented
Here is my load code
def from_pretrained(self, load_dir):
state_dict = torch.load(load_dir, map_location='cpu')
if 'model' in state_dict:
# state_dict={k[6:]:v for k,v in state_dict.items() if k.startswith('model.')}
# for k in self.model.state_dict():
# if k not in state_dict:
# assert k[:-2] in state_dict
# state_dict[k]=state_dict.pop(k[:-2])
state_dict = align_and_update_state_dicts(self.model.state_dict(), state_dict)
self.model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False)
return self
def align_and_update_state_dicts(model_state_dict, ckpt_state_dict):
model_state_dict={k[9:]:v for k,v in model_state_dict.items() if k.startswith('backbone.') }
model_keys = sorted(model_state_dict.keys())
ckpt_keys = sorted(ckpt_state_dict.keys())
result_dicts = {}
matched_log = []
unmatched_log = []
unloaded_log = []
for model_key in model_keys:
model_weight = model_state_dict[model_key]
if model_key in ckpt_keys:
ckpt_weight = ckpt_state_dict[model_key]
if model_weight.shape == ckpt_weight.shape:
result_dicts[model_key] = ckpt_weight
matched_log.append("Loaded {}, Model Shape: {} <-> Ckpt Shape: {}".format(model_key, model_weight.shape, ckpt_weight.shape))
unmatched_log.append("*UNMATCHED* {}, Model Shape: {} <-> Ckpt Shape: {}".format(model_key, model_weight.shape, ckpt_weight.shape))
unloaded_log.append("*UNLOADED* {}, Model Shape: {}".format(model_key, model_weight.shape))
jiang25262 commented
mask_generator = SemanticSamAutomaticMaskGenerator(build_semantic_sam(model_type='L', ckpt='./ckps/swin_large_patch4_window12_384_22k.pth'))
jiang25262 commented
I think i used the wrong model. I will close this issue. Sorry.