LAAAZZZY is a simple python script which automate recon tasks.

Primary LanguagePython

 _        _        _        _     _________________   __
| |      / \      / \      / \   |__  /__  /__  /\ \ / /
| |     / _ \    / _ \    / _ \    / /  / /  / /  \ V / 
| |___ / ___ \  / ___ \  / ___ \  / /_ / /_ / /_   | |  
|_____/_/   \_\/_/   \_\/_/   \_\/____/____/____|  |_| 

(A TOOL BY UAYEB5 - 2020)

Hi there, thanks for downloading this tool, I hope you'll enjoy it.

LAAAZZZY is a simple python script which automate recon tasks like :


So, I recommend to use it with Kali Linux because tools are already installed.


If you don't work with Kali Linux, be sure that you have installed NMAP, NIKTO and GOBUSTER

You need Python3 to launch this tool.
First, you have to install the requirements.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Then, launch the program :

python3 LAAAZZZY.py
