Error during build
Closed this issue · 4 comments
I get the following error when I try and build the solution.
Error MSB4030 "25/10/2017 10:20:57" is an invalid value for the "TimeStamp" parameter of the "GetBuildIndexFromTime" task. The "TimeStamp" parameter is of type "System.DateTime". MultiPlatformBuild C:\VS2017\Projects\Llvm.NET-master\BuildOutput\packages\CSemVer.Build.Tasks.1.0.0-alpha.2--ci-REL.194F4984\build\CSemVer.Build.Tasks.targets 117
Any thoughts ?
Hmm, looks like a bug in the CSemVer build task not accounting for localization of the date/time. If you temporarily set your date/time region settings to US does it work? I have an update planned on that build task I've been planning so I can hit this one as well. I'll need to look into how I can force that on the AppVeyor builds. We already switch the language to catch any assumptions on framework specific language strings.
I actually just replaced the macro in the targets file directly thus:
TimeStamp="10/25/2017 10:20:30"
This got me past the error I noted though I do get a bunch of compile warnings and errors that I am going to have to look through.
FYI you can also get the CI builds from the AppVeyor Nuget feed at:
This should be fixed now, the build tasks were updated to force a well known locale independent representation of the time stamp.