
Maximize icon?

moso opened this issue · 2 comments

moso commented

Hey guys,

I'm trying to create a plugin for hyper that mimics the Pocillo window controls. I created one for Arc Dark last year, but since Budgie is my main distrubuition and want to continue to use it with 18.04, I thought I'd create a Pocillo version.

However, I can't seem to find the correct maximize svg icon anywhere.

When you install the latest 18.04 (2018-03-06) the window controls looks like the image below. However, the "maximize.svg" and "unmaximize.svg" icons in this repo are squares, much of the resemblance of good ol' Numix (example). And just to clarify: I'm looking for the middle icon:


I've looked in all theme folders in /usr/share/theme and all icon folders in /usr/share/icons but I can't seem to find that particular svg pair. Any suggestions?

Thank you for a lovely theme though!

that is actually from the icon theme that is being used.

So in this case - Pocillo uses its own icons + Moka + Faba.

The window maximize and minimize icons are here

moso commented
