
Icons are very pixelated

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Just installed the DDE store. What a great project! One thing struck me right away when I first opened the store: The icons of the individual apps to be installed are pixelated. This looks better in Gnome, for example, so far. Resolution is 2560*1440, scaling is set to 1,25.
I'm using UbuntuDDE 20.10.
Here comes a screenshot:
Bildschirmfoto vom 2021-01-10 23-27-57

Thanks for reporting this! Seems like it may be an issue with the scaling. I'll take a look at it with 1.25 scaling on my own machine and see if I can reproduce this.

Reproducible, found the issue, plus it's a super super easy fix!

Screen Capture_select-area_20210110151133

Screen Capture_select-area_20210110151113

Thanks for the report!

Wow! You are fast!

Wow! You are fast!

Hah, that was just a 1 line fix, but thank you!