
[Enhacement][DevX] Add bulk operation scripts for optimising outputs

Udayraj123 opened this issue · 4 comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Users may want to apply some bulk operations on their input images before passing to OMRChecker. These utilities can help the users to compress the overall input size and also optimise the execution speeds on large files for faster tuning and re-runs.

Describe the solution you'd like
A few starter ideas to run on a folder of images:

  • bulk resize,
    • clip to max width (or height)
    • with a conditional trigger if the file size exceeds a provided value
  • bulk convert :
    • pdf to jpg
    • png to jpg or vice versa
    • tiff
  • bulk rename files
    • adding folder name to file name
    • removing non-utf characters from filename (to avoid processing errors)
  • add watermark to all images
  • blur a particular section of the images (e.g. student names and signatures)
  • create a gif from a folder of images
  • Save output of cropped pages to avoid cropping in each run (and merge with manually cropped images)
  • Save output of cropped markers to avoid cropping in each run (and merge with manually cropped images)
  • More ideas welcome!

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context
There's already a foundation setup in one of the development branches.
Note: please share your queries and approaches on discord for quicker discussions:

Hey, I am new to hacktoberfest and I liked this project. I wish to resolve this issue. Can I work on this ?

Hey @amannaik247, which part of the bulk ops ticket would you like to work on? As it's labelled continuous, I'll assign you once you decide a subtask to pick from and share a basic approach for it. Please mind that -

There's already a foundation setup in one of the development branches.

This means you can take reference of the dev branch to work on this in a structured manner. Checkout this folder: https://github.com/Udayraj123/OMRChecker/tree/dev/scripts/local

Hey I would like to work on bulk convertor can you pls assign it to me

Hey @Anushlinux, sure I can assign you this as it's an continuous issue. Please mention which of the starter ideas mentioned above you'd like to work on. Also it'll be convenient if you also join and discuss over the discord channel.