
General Discussion

Udayraj123 opened this issue · 4 comments

Discuss anything from problems with running the code to new ideas that can be implemented!

App is keep crashing after sometime and search is not working

Can you share any errors/stacktraces?

Is this still working?
https://vahan.nic.in/nrservices/faces/user/searchstatus.xhtml redirects to login page and no longer directly accessible

Hi Uday, I want to retrive vehicle data from my own customized database. I have created a website and will upload vehicle data in that. I want to search the vehicle information from my own database. Plz suggest me how to do that.
My website details are
https://srdcindia.co.in/vehicleinfo/ for adding data
https://srdcindia.co.in/vehicleinfo/search.php/ for searching the data