
Favorites category name not displayed

Closed this issue · 3 comments

需求 / Requirement

Display favorites category name like in Eros-FE:

建议实现 / Suggested implements

Display favorites category name.

备注 / Addition details

Right now there is no remote names are used, only generic Favorite 1/2/3:

EhViewer 版本号 / EhViewer version code

EhViewer CI 版本 / EhViewer CI Version

自查步骤 / Verify steps

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EhViewer already has this feature since long long ago, and it works well on my machine, but it does not as in your screenshot, this should be a bug.

I tried to reproduce this bug. It happens only if you login as first time and have never viewed the Favorite column.

If you go to Favorite, switch to Cloud Favorites, then as it loads, EhViewer would remember folder names for any longer.

This is not any serious, so report a bug to FooIbar if you believe it must be fixed.

I tried to reproduce this bug. It happens only if you login as first time and have never viewed the Favorite column.

I do visit it, and after restarting app remote names are still not loaded.

This is not any serious, so report a bug to FooIbar if you believe it must be fixed.

Will do, thanks.