
No mail sent via sendmail

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I just upgraded from webtrees 1.7 to 2.0.10 and installed webtrees-reminder.
Unfortunately no mail is sent to me.
I activated it in the settings for me. There are events in one of my two trees for the actual date.
When I call the address manually, I get this:

How to debug this?

Does webtrees_reminder support already more than one tree?

How to debug this?

Try to send message directly from webtrees. E.g. from /admin/broadcast?to=all also check logs: /admin/logs

Does webtrees_reminder support already more than one tree?

Sure. Reminder will send for all users of tree. One user can be in multiple trees.

/admin/broadcast?to=all seems to send a message to all of my users. This is not what I want to do without a good reason.
I changed the settings of Reminder to send messages to me only. I have two trees, one public and one private (not visible for guests). Maybe this is a problem?

I found the problem:
sending for webtrees-reminder works only using SMTP configured in webtrees. When here "sendmail" is configured, everything in webtrees works - testmail sent and received and sign-up-mails / password reminders also work.
The only thing not working with sendmail-settings is this plugin!

Thanks. I will try to add this in future version.