
[Bug] Windows access violation on qudi restart

kay-jahnke opened this issue · 3 comments


current main

What is affected by the bug?

When having some modules loaded and clicking restart on qudi, it reports a Windows Access violation:

This seems to be coming from the parentpoller that actually restarts qudi. Maybe some thread was lingering that should not exist anymore.

When does the bug occur?

load some modules in qudi.
click restart.

The error appears irregular.
One affected System: Windows 10 Pro 21H2

How do we replicate the issue?

Restart qudi after having loaded some modules. The error appears only seldom and very irregular.

Expected behavior

restart qudi without any errors.

Relevant log output

The error does not appear in the log, because the logger stops at shutdown. Nevertheless, here is the last part of the log:

2021-12-14 12:14:40 info qudi.Qudi Closing main GUI...
2021-12-14 12:14:40 info qudi.core.gui.main_gui.main_gui.QudiMainGui IPython kernel process for qudi main GUI has shut down.
2021-12-14 12:14:40 info qudi.Qudi Closing remaining windows...
2021-12-14 12:14:40 info qudi.Qudi Stopping remaining threads...
2021-12-14 12:14:40 debug qudi.core.threadmanager Quit all threads.
2021-12-14 12:14:40 warning py.warnings C:\Software\Miniconda3\envs\qudi\lib\asyncio\base_events.py:654: ResourceWarning: unclosed event loop <ProactorEventLoop running=False closed=False debug=False>
  _warn(f"unclosed event loop {self!r}", ResourceWarning, source=self)

2021-12-14 12:14:40 info qudi.Qudi Shutdown complete! Ciao

Additional Comments

Error only appears sporadically.

Contact Details

No response

could be fixed by commit 3dd861d

I will keep my eyes open to see if I get this bug again.

bug is still there:

This in on Win 10 Pro, Anaconda environment freshly installed on 18.02.2022 with python 3.9.

meh... and there was hoping. Quite hard to track if you can not reproduce it somehow.