
Project fails after Build complete

Closed this issue · 6 comments

screen shot 2017-12-11 at 4 38 03 pm

node -v = 8.9.1
tried deleting node modules and reinstalling and did not work

any idea? Thanks!

Still getting this error.

I cloned your project @toddmotto and I get the same error.


Hey @casvil ! Which folder were you using inside of the angular-pro-src? Some are slightly tweaked (webpack wise) for different examples - I can take a look and advise if you can provide that :)

@toddmotto hey todd! Thanks for helping, here it is my project https://github.com/casvil/angular-pro-src and here the webpack file https://github.com/casvil/angular-pro-src/blob/master/webpack.config.js

My root folder is called app

I am gonna try and check what's missing in my webpack config.


Perfect, I think this error is to do with the aot loader in there. Try swapping it out with the one here in the webpack config, as this uses the official Angular one. The one previously used allows for AoT in development as well as production - sometimes an error occurs it seems so would be worth swapping that out. I'll make sure I update the rest of the source code with this addition as well :)

I get a different error Uncaught ReferenceError: webpackJsonp is not defined.
I swapped the entire file, tweaking some base paths cause I'm not using src folder.

I would really appreciate an update on this.

Thanks @toddmotto !


Getting the same error from folders of source code.
Got error with "73-providers-usevalue", "47-route-tracking" and "80-observable-store", but not with "63-testing-setup".

Tried with "ultimate/aot-loader" latest release, not helping.

Can the problem be something alike like here? https://github.com/UltimateAngular/aot-loader/issues/16

Looking forward to solution.