
[BUG] Cannot resume paused player via OSC message

svenwiegand opened this issue · 0 comments

What were you doing?
I‘m currently working on a new Streamdeck plugin which provides especially better soundboard support than Ultraschall‘s official one. I‘m using OSC to control reaper, the soundboard and to get feedback from both of them.

Everything is already working fine except one thing: I can start a player via OSC, I can stop one and I can pause one. But when a player is paused there is no possibility to resume it via OSC. Neither the trigger nor the play command resume the player. The only possibility is to stop it and then play it, but this will start from the beginning.

  1. Send /ultraschall/soundboard/player/1/play 1 -> player plays
  2. Send /ultraschall/soundboard/player/1/pause 1 -> player pauses
  3. Send /ultraschall/soundboard/player/1/play 1

What did you expect to happen?
Player resumes playback.

What happened instead?
Player is still paused.

Version of Ultraschall

Operating system and language running Ultraschall
macOS 13.1

REAPER version running Ultraschall
Reaper 6.71

Audio interface model and used firmware incl. version
Issue is independant from audio interface.