
automated data pipeline using beautiful soup, apache airflow and dvc data versioning

Primary LanguagePython

Airflow Data Extraction Pipeline

This project automates a data extraction lifecycle from extracting data, transforming it, saving it while versioning the data with dvc and code with git.

How To Run?

  • Install the necessary libraries from requirements.txt file
  • Run followiung to install airflow in python virtual environment
pip install apache-airflow
  • Run following to set airflow environment variable
export AIRFLOW_HOME="root of this cloned repo"
  • Run following to initialize airflow database
airflow db init
  • Run following in a seperate console which tracks changes in dags
airflow scheduler
  • Run follwing in a seperate console and open airflow user interface at http://localhost:8080
airflow webserver -p 8080
  • Find the dag with the name specified in the code and toggle the pause button to activate the dag
  • Click play button on top right to manually trigger the dag run.

Dag Documentation

Extract Task:

Extracts data from a list of URLs (urls) using the extract_data function. Each URL is processed sequentially, and the extracted data is combined.

Preprocess Task:

Preprocesses the extracted data using the clean_data function. This task ensures that the text data is cleaned and formatted consistently.

Save Task:

Saves the preprocessed data to a CSV file specified by filename. The data is saved in the format of 'id', 'title', 'description', and 'source' columns.

DVC Push Task:

Adds the CSV file (data/extracted.csv) to the DVC repository using dvc add command and pushes the changes to the remote gdrive storage using dvc push.

Git Push Task:

Performs Git operations to push the changes made to the Git repository. It includes commands to pull changes, add files, commit changes, and push to the remote repository.

DAG Execution Order

The tasks are executed sequentially in the following order:

extract_task >> preprocess_task >> save_task >> dvc_push_task >> git_push_task

The DAG is configured to run manually (schedule=None) and does not have a specific schedule for automatic execution.

Encountered Challenges

Challenge: Chnaging the airflow configuration to detect dags present in locations other than airflow folder

Solution: Make a dags directory in your current folder, places dags there and set envionment variable export AIRFLOW_HOME="current folder"

Challenge: How to automate git and dvc commands?

Solution: Use python os library

Challenge: Installing airflow in python virtual environment.

Solution: pip install apache-airflow

Challenge: Dataset not being saved using airflow

Solution: Use absolute path for dataset

Points To Note

  • Place all/any dags in the /dags folder for airflow to detect
  • Run airflow dags list to check if airflow properly picks up dags from the dagbag (dag folder which contains all dags)