
Add Danish translation

johnjohndoe opened this issue ยท 2 comments

It would be nice to have a Danish translation of the library. ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฐ

The Translation Editor in Android Studio let's you easily identify the missing translations as shown in the screenshot.

Android Studio Translation Editor


  • Add new translations in roadsigns/src/main/res/values-da/strings.xml
    • Adding a new language can be done via the Translation Editor: the earth icon at top left.
    • Alternatively, you can just copy the English file from values/strings.xml to values-da/strings.xml and edit the strings manually.
    • Do not modify, commit files outside of the -da folder.
    • Do not translate strings located in the app module.
    • Do not translate strings marked as translatable="false".
    • Please do not commit to the master branch. Create a new branch like danish-translation for the pull request.
    • Check that your translation string is not wrapped in double quotes (") or includes unneeded whitespace.
  • Update the Supported languages section in the Flags are copied from Twitter emoticons.
  • Update the


๐Ÿ—จ๏ธ If you want to work on this issue please leave a "I like to work on this" comment here.

@larsnaesbye Please leave "I am working on this" comment here so I can assign you.

I am working on this