
Box of Friends usability

Closed this issue · 5 comments

this is an old bug since AB, it still persists in Rep just slightly differently

if you have 2 key pieces and nothing else Demon Baby just refuses to spawn

in AB you just get extra key pieces and in Rep dust animation plays and nothing happens

same goes for full Knife in Mother route btw, it really should get duplicated ( unlike the MS key )

That doesn't seem true, the Demon Baby spawned just fine for me with key/knife pieces. But there are other things that can cause that, like 1up, Lost Soul, Star of Bethlehem, and Strawman.

Kind of related to #1418 but if you find others that cause that problem aside from the ones I listed just comment them there

actually yeah you're right, now that I think about it I did use Box of Friends many times with key / knife pieces to make them work

anyways I think I figured out what happened - gonna post it in the other thread.


made a clip of this occuring ( latest build )

here's the seed just in case: SQ06 D0P1