
Logo design contribution

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I would like to make a contribution by making a new logo/branding with new colours and icons.

Please let me know if you need any help.

Also please check below for some quick draft about the logo look.

gilnd commented

Hey there!
I love the logo, really cool! Especially the first one!
You are welcome to contribute!:)

Amazing logos!
Particularly love the middle one 😍

Great job!
We needed these logos, the form factor is perfect, I would just keep the leaf proportionate with the text for the logos on the left.

Do you want to improve also the launcher icon?

You are welcome.
Soon, I am going to add some more variations of the logo and also the launcher icon as well.
Work in progress...

Hello again,

Please check some drafts for the logo and the icons attached below.

Please let me know if there are any amendments (logo shape, font, icons and colours).

leafpic drafts-03-03