Print (to printer) not working
Opened this issue · 3 comments
Version: LeafPic (debug) v0.7-alpha1
Print an Image into PDF works very well in this version, but print to printer throws an error.
Mobile phone 1
- Google Nexus (i9250, "maguro")
- Android 6.0.1
- Lineage 13.0 20180211 NIGHTLY
- rooted
- normally printing with Let's Print Droid (working from other applications)
Mobile phone 2
- Samsung Galaxy SIII (i9300)
- Android 7.1.2
- Lineage 14.1 20180426 NIGHTLY
- rooted
- normally printing with Let's Print Droid (working from other applications)
On both phones I can select my Printer, configured with Let's Print Droid, after few seconds a message appears about "print ... image file" (screenshot to follow) and after this an error notification comes up (screenshot to follow). Unfortunately the error text is not shown in full length and detail, even in panorama view.
EDIT: I cannot upload Screenshots for unknown reasons, just tells me "Something went really wrong, and we can't process that file" for PNG and JPG files.
Text of first message when printing (taken from screenshot):
Started Print Job print_/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20180501_172851.jpg on HP-LaserJet-1100
Text of error notification (as taken from screenshot):
Druckerfehler(means: print(er) error) print_/storage/emulat..
11:07 am
Thanks for logging the issue.
Could you please share the screen shots via any public image hosting sites like -
Thanks @nikitasharma536, will remember about public image hosting, but for now will add a logcat excerpt instead. As I can also not attach the log file, I will paste in the content in next comment :)
05-07 16:53:27.187 1747 2407 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=org.horaapps.leafpic.intent.VIEW_ALBUM cmp=org.horaapps.leafpic.debug/org.horaapps.leafpic.activities.SingleMediaActivity (has extras)} from uid 10345 on display 0
05-07 16:53:28.414 7830 7830 I Choreographer: Skipped 50 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
05-07 16:53:28.415 1747 1768 I ActivityManager: Displayed org.horaapps.leafpic.debug/org.horaapps.leafpic.activities.SingleMediaActivity: +1s216ms
05-07 16:53:30.378 1747 1763 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{2d4a08a u0 com.exlyo.camerarestarter/}
05-07 16:53:30.618 1747 1851 E Tuna PowerHAL: Error writing to /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/boostpulse: Invalid argument
05-07 16:53:30.643 1747 1888 D AudioService: Stream muted, skip playback
05-07 16:53:30.649 7830 7830 I ListPopupWindow: Could not find method setEpicenterBounds(Rect) on PopupWindow. Oh well.
05-07 16:53:30.698 7830 7830 W art : Before Android 4.1, method int, boolean) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.widget.ListView
05-07 16:53:30.699 7830 7830 W art : Before Android 4.1, method int$MenuDropDownListView.lookForSelectablePosition(int, boolean) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.widget.ListView
05-07 16:53:39.956 1747 1851 E Tuna PowerHAL: Error writing to /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/boostpulse: Invalid argument
05-07 16:53:40.050 1747 1888 D AudioService: Stream muted, skip playback
05-07 16:53:40.187 1747 3669 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 7694) has died
05-07 16:53:40.187 1747 3669 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 7694
05-07 16:53:40.280 1747 2525 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-07 16:53:40.281 1747 1991 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.print.PRINT_DIALOG dat=printjob:dc9cfca1-6fc1-4a97-8080-8aa697c674c9 (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
05-07 16:53:40.601 1747 1758 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 7700) has died
05-07 16:53:40.602 1747 1758 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 7700
05-07 16:53:40.655 1747 5020 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 4546) has died
05-07 16:53:40.655 1747 5020 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 4546
05-07 16:53:40.751 7867 7881 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: false
05-07 16:53:40.760 7830 7856 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllStagingAnimators on 0x9db04a00 (MenuPopupWindow$MenuDropDownListView) with handle 0xafbacfa0
05-07 16:53:40.978 7867 7881 W linker : /system/vendor/lib/hw/ unused DT entry: type 0xf arg 0x53b
05-07 16:53:40.980 7867 7881 W linker : /system/vendor/lib/ unused DT entry: type 0xf arg 0x767
05-07 16:53:40.985 7867 7881 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
05-07 16:53:41.150 1747 1747 I ActivityManager: Start proc 7884:com.blackspruce.lpd/u0a210 for service com.blackspruce.lpd/.KitkatPrintService
05-07 16:53:41.307 7884 7884 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.blackspruce.lpd-1/lib/arm
05-07 16:53:41.582 7884 7884 E PrSvc : * ** ** onCreate * * * *
05-07 16:53:41.628 7867 7867 I Choreographer: Skipped 33 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
05-07 16:53:41.902 7884 7884 D PrSvc : LPF Receiver Registered.
05-07 16:53:41.926 7884 7884 E PrSvc : * * * * * connected *** ** *** *
05-07 16:53:41.926 7884 7884 D PrSvc : discovery
05-07 16:53:41.933 1747 1768 I ActivityManager: Displayed +1s626ms
05-07 16:53:42.003 7884 7884 E PR-DISC : DISC : construct
05-07 16:53:42.112 7884 7884 E PR-DISC : DISC: start disc. State is CONSTRUCTED
05-07 16:53:42.118 7884 7884 E PR-DISC : DISC : retr exisiting
05-07 16:53:42.320 7884 7884 E PR-DISC : DISC: start tracking printer
05-07 16:53:42.486 7867 7900 I MutexFileProvider: Acquired file: /data/user/0/ by thread: Thread[AsyncTask #2,5,main]
05-07 16:53:42.897 7867 7900 I MutexFileProvider: Released file: /data/user/0/ from thread: Thread[AsyncTask #2,5,main]
05-07 16:53:42.897 7867 7867 I MutexFileProvider: Acquired file: /data/user/0/ by thread: Thread[main,5,main]
05-07 16:53:42.915 1747 2659 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-07 16:53:43.043 7902 7913 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 20718(944KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 39% free, 6MB/11MB, paused 427us total 110.351ms
05-07 16:53:43.090 7902 7902 W android.content.res.ThemeConfig: Could not get boot theme
05-07 16:53:45.626 7554 7844 W InstanceID/Rpc: No response android.os.ConditionVariable@4ae7837
05-07 16:53:45.714 7554 7844 D FirebaseInstanceId: background sync failed: TIMEOUT, retry in 80s
05-07 16:53:46.405 1747 1851 E Tuna PowerHAL: Error writing to /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/boostpulse: Invalid argument
05-07 16:53:46.496 1747 1888 D AudioService: Stream muted, skip playback
05-07 16:53:46.531 7884 7884 E PR-DISC : DISC: stop track
05-07 16:53:46.534 7867 7867 E RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout
05-07 16:53:46.551 1747 2006 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 11): isolated not needed
05-07 16:53:46.584 7867 7877 W art : Suspending all threads took: 7.629ms
05-07 16:53:46.616 7867 7877 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1102(72KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(1772KB) LOS objects, 39% free, 10MB/17MB, paused 34.820ms total 110.076ms
05-07 16:53:46.619 7884 7884 D PrSvc : job queued
05-07 16:53:46.634 1747 2378 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 7902
05-07 16:53:46.701 1747 1747 D ZenLog : intercepted: 0||0|null|10053,alarmsOnly
05-07 16:53:46.701 1747 1747 V NotificationService: canInterrupt=false intercept=true
05-07 16:53:46.753 1747 1747 D ZenLog : intercepted: 0|android|17039424|null|1000,alarmsOnly
05-07 16:53:46.754 1747 1747 V NotificationService: pkg=android canInterrupt=false intercept=true
05-07 16:53:46.781 1747 2659 W ActivityManager: Duplicate finish request for ActivityRecord{20fefde u0 t897 f}
05-07 16:53:46.792 1747 1747 V NotificationService: canInterrupt=false intercept=true
05-07 16:53:46.895 7884 7884 W System.err: /storage/emulated/0/LPD/print_/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot_20180506-111243.png.pdf: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
05-07 16:53:46.917 7884 7884 W System.err: at
05-07 16:53:46.917 7884 7884 W System.err: at<init>(
05-07 16:53:46.917 7884 7884 W System.err: at<init>(
05-07 16:53:46.917 7884 7884 W System.err: at com.blackspruce.lpd.KitkatPrintService.localizeFile(
05-07 16:53:46.917 7884 7884 W System.err: at com.blackspruce.lpd.KitkatPrintService.onPrintJobQueued(
05-07 16:53:46.917 7884 7884 W System.err: at android.printservice.PrintService$ServiceHandler.handleMessage(
05-07 16:53:46.917 7884 7884 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
05-07 16:53:46.917 7884 7884 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(
05-07 16:53:46.917 7884 7884 W System.err: at
05-07 16:53:46.917 7884 7884 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
05-07 16:53:46.917 7884 7884 W System.err: at$
05-07 16:53:46.917 7884 7884 W System.err: at
05-07 16:53:46.917 7884 7884 W System.err: Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
05-07 16:53:46.922 7884 7884 W System.err: at Method)
05-07 16:53:46.922 7884 7884 W System.err: at
05-07 16:53:46.922 7884 7884 W System.err: at
05-07 16:53:46.922 7884 7884 W System.err: ... 11 more
05-07 16:53:46.963 1747 1747 V NotificationService: canInterrupt=false intercept=true
05-07 16:53:46.967 7884 7884 E PrSvc : Print Job Exception
05-07 16:53:46.967 7884 7884 E PrSvc : java.lang.NullPointerException: uriString
05-07 16:53:46.967 7884 7884 E PrSvc : at$StringUri.<init>(
05-07 16:53:46.967 7884 7884 E PrSvc : at$StringUri.<init>(
05-07 16:53:46.967 7884 7884 E PrSvc : at
05-07 16:53:46.967 7884 7884 E PrSvc : at com.blackspruce.lpd.KitkatPrintService.onPrintJobQueued(
05-07 16:53:46.967 7884 7884 E PrSvc : at android.printservice.PrintService$ServiceHandler.handleMessage(
05-07 16:53:46.967 7884 7884 E PrSvc : at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
05-07 16:53:46.967 7884 7884 E PrSvc : at android.os.Looper.loop(
05-07 16:53:46.967 7884 7884 E PrSvc : at
05-07 16:53:46.967 7884 7884 E PrSvc : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
05-07 16:53:46.967 7884 7884 E PrSvc : at$
05-07 16:53:46.967 7884 7884 E PrSvc : at
05-07 16:53:47.037 7884 7884 E PR-DISC : DISC: stop discovery
05-07 16:53:47.039 1747 1747 V NotificationService: canInterrupt=false intercept=true
05-07 16:53:47.044 7884 7884 E PR-DISC : DISC: destroy
05-07 16:53:47.063 7884 7918 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: false
05-07 16:53:47.071 7884 7884 D PrSvc : * ** ** disconnected * * * *
05-07 16:53:47.071 7884 7884 E PrSvc : * ** ** onDestroy * * * *
05-07 16:53:47.187 7884 7918 W linker : /system/vendor/lib/hw/ unused DT entry: type 0xf arg 0x53b
05-07 16:53:47.187 7884 7918 W linker : /system/vendor/lib/hw/ is missing DT_SONAME will use basename as a replacement: ""
05-07 16:53:47.190 7884 7918 W linker : /system/vendor/lib/ unused DT entry: type 0xf arg 0x767
05-07 16:53:47.190 7884 7918 W linker : /system/vendor/lib/ is missing DT_SONAME will use basename as a replacement: ""
05-07 16:53:47.194 7884 7918 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
05-07 16:53:47.348 7884 7918 V RenderScript: 0xa149d000 Launching thread(s), CPUs 2
05-07 16:53:50.824 1747 1881 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 208]
05-07 16:53:52.962 1747 1768 E Tuna PowerHAL: Error writing to /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/boostpulse: Invalid argument
05-07 16:53:56.866 1747 1881 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 208]
05-07 16:53:58.797 1747 7093 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=159192295, fe80::1, [84A8E4670BB4], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_STALE}