This python3 project provides tools for computing quality indicators for multipoint statistics outputs. The methods can also be applied to 2D or 3D images.
Currently the module provides :
- An Image class, with various import/export/conversion methods to different data types
- Functions for evaluating connectivity, histograms and variograms of 2D and 3D categorical images.
Connectivity function describes how different categories are connected depending on distance. It is given by:
Load image and compute connectivity in different axes:
image = np.loadtxt('2D.txt').reshape(550, 500)
connectivity_axis0 = mpstool.connectivity.get_function(image, axis=0)
connectivity_axis1 = mpstool.connectivity.get_function(image, axis=1)
Example image of categorical soil cracks:
Corresponding connectivity functions:
Install using pip. The package is in the PyPI:
pip install mpstool
If you want to run it directly from source, clone this repository and from the root folder run (useful for development):
pip install -e .
- numpy
- py-vox-io
- scikit-image
- pillow
- properscoring
Can be found here: