
Beautifier Pipeline: Multiple/cascading beautifiers per language

Glavin001 opened this issue ยท 5 comments

See the original issue for more details.

  • Options values will determine the default beautifiers chosen
    • This allows configuration files, such as .jsbeautifyrc to contain a field default_beautifiers and therefore be automatically configurable while switching different projects.
    • See Glavin001/atom-beautify#1041
  • default_beautifiers will accept an array (of course) and process the text sequentially.

Any progress on this? Been looking for a feature like this for quite some time. :)

No progress yet, however I just finished my final exams for University yesterday! So now I have a little more time to get us back on track ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Going to use option key beautifiers instead of default_beautifiers.

Example .unibeautifyrc.json file:

  "JavaScript": {
    "beautifiers": ["Pretty Diff", "JS-Beautify", "Prettier"]