
Implementing Ford-Bellman's algorithm.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi, there!
I would like to add a very important algorithm that can help to find out shortest paths from source to all nodes of given graph.

We already have Dijkstra algorithm that computes shortest way from one node to another, which means we are technically able to find shortest ways to all nodes, but it takes huge amount of time to consider all pairs single by single.

Need a quick response from your side, because I wanna implement it while I have holidays... =)

Hello. Than would be nice, if you add new algorithm.

You may add new algorthm using C++ into our C++ module: https://github.com/UnickSoft/GraphOffline
or add using js. We can provide you some docs depends on woch method will you choose.

That's a great idea, I didn't know about C++ module at all and thought that I should to explore .php code =)
Okay, if I'll have some kind of misconceptions, I'll ask it here!

Have a good day :)