
The fix for the Y2K Bug has expired. I propose a new fix that will highlight a future issue.

ClariNerd617 opened this issue · 1 comments

This is for gempak:latest.

In https://github.com/Unidata/gempak/blob/master/gempak/source/gemlib/ti/tiyy24.f

the code only supports conversion of 2-digit dates up to 20 to be in the 21st century, so if it runs now, it will read the current year as 1921.

there are two solutions I can think of:

  1. convince the entire meteorological community to only use ISO-8601 format for date-time.
  2. bump the year of expiry out to 2038, when the 32-bit integer storing epoch time runs out of values. that way, when we inevitably forget to fix both this issue and that one, we can fix both at once (hopefully)!

Please see current discussions on gembud. Eventually, the Unidata GEMPAK will get updated to the NCEP GEMPAK, which is generally what this code repo tracks.