
Javadoc API online

rschmunk opened this issue · 1 comments

The Unidata website documentation page for netCDF-Java at https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/thredds/current/netcdf-java/documentation.htm
has links to Javadoc APIs for NJ 4.6 (stable), 4.5 (previous) and (OMG!!!) 4.3 (previous).

It really seems that that the 4.5 and most def the 4.3 links could be dropped. But more importantly (at least for my needs), there should be a 5.0 (beta) Javadoc link added.

Greetings @msdsoftware - we are in the process of re-doing our docs, and how they are served. The Javadocs for 5.0 can be found at:

