
NullPointerException for sub hourly data

rafatoshio opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I have wrf netcdf files with outputs every 30 minutes post processed with UPP to grib1. I have two versions of thredds 4.3.19 and 4.6.10.
In version 4.6.10 I can't open catalogs of files that are not in full hour, but in version 4.3.19 everything is fine.
I put some examples files in my google drive https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1G4kbpjLYg5sEmkDkWGNxOiDl4fYepnrR?usp=sharing in the case someone wish to test further.

Greetings @rafatoshio - do you have a sample TDS configuration catalog that you've used for these files? That will help me setup a similar environment on my local machine. Thanks, and thank you for providing some sample data to work with!

Hi @lesserwhirls sorry for the late response. I did not have access to some servers. Hope those are the files you want. (Changed extension to upload directly here)
catalog - 4.6.10.xml.txt
catalog - 4.3.19.xml.txt