
Prefab brush is not showing or working both are error

RahamatStudio opened this issue · 1 comments

Assets\Settings\Scenes\Brushes\PrefabBrushes\BrushMenuItem.cs(14,30): error CS0122: 'EBrushMenuItemOrder' is inaccessible due to its protection level

when i import this package and error this line. please help me how to solve this and work my project.

Hi, could you share how you have imported the package? It seems like you have copied the source for PrefabBrush to your Asset folder. If that is the case, you can edit the BrushMenuItem source file directly and change EBrushMenuItemOrder.* to appropriate values (4 for PrefabBrush) as listed in https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/2d-extras/blob/master/Editor/Menu/MenuItemOrder.cs . The value used is for ordering the menu item alphabetically.

Hope that helps!