
How can I control the stiffness more precisely?

MarcTeuberDE opened this issue · 6 comments

I think I tried now every slider and tried understanding it, but for my groom I basically dont want to simulate the whole strand equally, but more of just the tips. The hair should be more inclined to hold its initial form and just wiggle around a bit. I kind of achieved that look, if I set gravity to 0, but I guess thats not really the intended workflow. If I set the gravity to anything other than 0, the hairs either fly up or completely fall down, as if they would be totally wet.
The following settings (which I thought to be important for that kind of concern) didnt made any change to my simulation: Striffness (Solver), Damping (Integration), Pressure.

From what I understand you can use the Global Fade section for this; Offset seems to be the percentage of strand length where simulation kicks in, and extent the fade length from not simulated to simulated part.

Thank you. I just tried that, and unfortunately it didnt change anything. I tried it reasonable values and also with extremes (both 0/ both 1) but the hairs still fall down completely any way.

I guess in that case you have some other property set to a "wrong" value, maybe LOD search value? This one behaves quite erratic / buggy, try setting this to 1 and see if it works better. For me the Global Fade does the correct thing, as long as rest of parameters have meaningful settings.

Hm. Just reset all values and tried just playing around with the fade separately and it still had no influence. The default settings should be reasonable, or could there be settings that cancel out the fade?

Only the LOD search value has a strange default setting, as mentioned above, you should set it to a higher value, as on the default value of 0 the simulation does not work at all.

Its set to 1 for me by default.