
Where to put SetAvailableOptions

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Issue created by ChingTing Ng as Bitbucket Issue #​370 on 2021.04.06 20:34.
Hi, I’m not sure where to put SetAvailableOptions functions, I put it in the Initialize() portion of the code for the AutoCompleteComboBox and my new set of options are displayed when I click on the arrow down button but the search function doesn’t work anymore (etc. if i’m looking for “bitbucket” and key in “bit”, it won’t show. Instead, it shoes the first item in my list no matter what I key into the search bar

On 2021.04.08 11:49, @SimonDarksideJ commented:
SetAvailableOptions should be called after the control is initialised. i just checked the examples and I haven’t included a programmatic example, so I will address that shortly.

On 2021.04.11 22:54, @SimonDarksideJ commented:
OK, just tested and also enhanced the COmboBox Examples scene.

Calling SetAvailableOptions is fine any time from Start (not before, e.g. Initialize or Awake), same is true for the other dropdowns

You can see the updated scene here:
UnityUIExtensions / unity-ui-extensions / ComboBox — Bitbucket

On 2021.04.18 13:39, @SimonDarksideJ commented:
Sample updated, available in source and in the next release

On 2021.04.18 13:39 @SimonDarksideJ modified issue:
status changed newresolved