
Enhanced representation validation

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I prepared the enhanced representation for ru_syntagrus UD2.0 release, but unfortunately I had to abandon it because validation fails on fractional ids in DEPS field.
Did I miss something important or did I find a bug?

I have these errors:
[Line 15187]: Undefined ID in DEPS: E4.2
[Line 15187]: Undefined ID in DEPS: E4.2
[Line 15187]: Undefined ID in DEPS: E4.2
[Line 15187]: Failed to parse DEPS: E4.2:case

But the data looks ok to me:

Hi Kira. You should drop the "E" and you'll be fine. So 4.2:advcl instead of E4.2:advcl in DEPS. That E was in the specs for a while but was dropped later. -Filip

@dan-zeman can comment, but maybe the corrected version of SyntagRus could still make it into the v2 release...? I know you guys are training UDPipe now, but that probably doesn't use the enhanced representation anyway, so nothing would need to get restarted.

Yes, it can. We will talk about it with @Kira-D.