
[Suggestion] Nearest Enemy/Ally

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I had made this suggestion on MOActions as well, but I'd like to request/suggest a "Nearest Enemy" and "Nearest Ally" option in the targeting list. The main purpose for this for enemy-targeting would be for cone and line attacks, which for no readily apparent reason require a target in FFXIV (despite them being AoE). Annoys me to no end when my current target dies in AoE and my AoE buttons just stop working until I notice the target died and tab to another. Ideally, this should work like tab targeting, so if you have Cone selected as the tab-select, it only selects in the forward cone (which makes it more reliable with conal AoEs as well, since those only work if your target is in the forward 90 degrees).

For Nearest Ally, honestly the only use case I could think of for it would be Dragon Sight. But really, it's here more for parity than a distinct need. The Nearest Enemy is the one I'm more interested in.

An alternative, if feasible and easier to implement, would be to simply invoke the tab target functionality in the client when that target set is selected and no higher target option is valid.

This would be amazing. Rather than just a nearest option it would be nice if there was a nearest in the direction you are facing option (IE respect the cone).