
[Enhancement] Fail if Out of Range improvement

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Let's say you have a stack that goes something like this:

UITarget -> Target of Target -> Self

Now let's say you're trying to mouseover heal a target that you don't realize is out of range, such as in a Hunt Train. If you have a UITarget that's out of range, the heal will unexpectedly affect your ToT instead. If there is no ToT or they are out of range as well, it will unexpectedly affect yourself.

This behavior is very confusing as I expected "Fail if Out of Range" to immediately fail the entire stack if a target would be valid but is currently out of range. Falling back to the next target in this case would rarely be considered beneficial in any situation I can imagine. Instead, anyone sane would prefer the stack to fail so that they can move into the range of their intended target.

Therefore, a proposed fix: can we get an option to fail/stop the entire stack when encountering a valid target that is out of range?