
GCP firestore adapter for DB

deadletterq opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the feature request

Hi there! Would it be possible to have other DBs supported? Specifically, I'm looking for the support of GCP Firestore.


Firestore, and similar, is managed by GCP, which makes it very easy for easy to medium-sized projects to use.

Solution suggestions

No response

Hi @deadletterq - Thank you for raising this issue! I think this is not something we are planning at the moment, but I'll still raise it with the rest of the team just so we're aware that there's interest in this. We'll get back to you!

Hey @deadletterq, we're pretty tied into Postgres at this point, I'm not even sure this is possible without a major rewrite. So sadly, I don't think we'll be doing this one

I'm going to close this but if you have inputs please feel free to add them in or reopen it if there's things we haven't considered