
[Slack App] Notifications in Slack don't mention segment constraint

mathroc opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug

A feature flag was enabled for a few user IDs and someone change it to have a segment constraint. A notification was pushed to Slack to inform us that the feature flag was updated that said:

[Someone] updated MyFeatureFlag in project my-project by updating strategy flexibleRollout in production constraints from [userId is one of (x, y, z)] to empty set of constraints

Reading the message make it sounds like it's now enabled for everyone

Steps to reproduce the bug

  1. Add a Slack integration
  2. Enabled a feature flag with some constraint on production
  3. Remove the manual constraints and add a segment constraint

Expected behavior

The notification on Slack should be something like:

[Someone] updated MyFeatureFlag in project my-project by updating strategy flexibleRollout in production constraints from [userId is one of (x, y, z)] to [segment: my-segment]

Logs, error output, etc.

No response


No response

Additional context

No response

Unleash version

Unleash 5.4.1

Subscription type

Don't know

Hosting type


SDK information (language and version)

No response

Thank you for the bug report @mathroc, we'll have a look and get back to you

@mathroc apologies for late reply. We have looked at this and made an improvement, it's merged and available in Open Source Unleash right now. it will be part of the next Unleash Enterprise version release.

It will list changes in referenced segments list with lists of segment ids in slack messages, similar to how userids are represented

that's great, thank you 🙏