
Context properties types

vrshgv opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the feature request

It's not good that it's impossible to update unleash custom context fields with anything except string. Not even a number. Why would I need all these operators for constraints, when there is no chance to use them with my context fields.


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Hi, @vrshgv!

Good question. Unleash only accepts strings for context values, but it will try to convert the string to the appropriate value when checking a flag's constraints, so if you use a numeric greater than operator for the value "5", it will convert that value to the number 5 before doing the conversion check. If the value can't be converted, the constraint will fail.

Does that answer your question?

Hello! Yes, it does, thank you. I guess it was not obvious for me in documentation.

Great! And that's great feedback about the documentation. I'll see if we can't update that 😄

It seems your issue has been resolved, so I'll go ahead and close the issue now. Feel free to open it again if you feel there's more to be done.