
Roadmap v1 - Community discussion

Vadorequest opened this issue · 0 comments


The goal of the v1 is to provide a reusable NRN-Admin boilerplate that is compatible with any GraphQL API that is following Prisma v1 specifications. (such as GraphCMS)

Also, specific GraphCMS needs will be covered, such as:

  • Localised content
  • Assets management (they use FileStack provider)

This version will allow anyone to use the boilerplate to build their own admin site (AKA backoffice), compatible with their own GraphQL API.

It will not include advanced features such as Authentication, Permissions and alike. Also, as it won't cover those, it won't cover multi-tenant authentication either. (ie: customer1 authentication to backoffice in order to manage their own content without having access to customer2 data)

Those features may be covered in a future major release, they seem like the logical path to follow.


Contributors are welcomed!

See our https://github.com/UnlyEd/next-right-now-admin/projects to see our mid-term roadmap.
See https://github.com/UnlyEd/next-right-now-admin/projects/1 to have an overview of v1 roadmap advancement.

To contribute, please communicate on the issue you want to work on, make sure the goals and specifications are clear before starting any work.