
Unown# docs

Setup (Non-Docker)

  1. Clone repo

    git clone https://github.com/UnownHash/Dragonite-Public.git
  2. Change Directory to the Repo

    cd Dragonite-Public
  3. Execute run.sh to download the latest release binaries

  4. Create and adjust config.toml for dragonite

    cp dragonite/config.toml.example dragonite/config.toml
    nano dragonite/config.toml
  5. Create and adjust config.toml for admin

    cp admin/config.toml.example admin/config.toml
    nano admin/config.toml
  6. Be sure to setup a database


  1. Dragonite (change filename if using different platform)

    cd dragonite
    pm2 start ./dragonite-linux-amd64 --name dragonite -o "/dev/null"
    cd ..
  2. Admin (change filename if using different platform)

    cd admin
    pm2 start ./admin-linux-amd64 --name dragonite-admin
    cd ..

Dragonite itself stores logs into file dragonite/logs/dragonite.log by default (logs are rotated),
if you want to use pm2 logs pls adapt config and pm2 command.


  • Execute run.sh to download the latest release
  • Check Changelog, check config.toml for new config values available
  • pm2 restart dragonite
  • pm2 restart dragonite-admin


  • To download a testing binary execute
    ./run.sh -t