
How do I parse the logs?

seglo opened this issue · 3 comments

seglo commented

I added unpackerr to my stack and it eagerly found a bunch of archived files it started to unpack. I let it run over night. I think it's idle now, but I'm not really sure how to read most recent status logs.

2023/06/30 07:35:12 [Unpackerr] Queue: [133 waiting] [0 queued] [0 extracting] [32 extracted] [0 imported] [0 failed] [0 deleted]
2023/06/30 07:35:12 [Unpackerr] Totals: [0 retries] [0 finished] [0|0 webhooks] [0|0 cmdhooks] [stacks; event:0, hook:0, del:0]

It's claimed 133 waiting since the beginning. Is this an unpackerr queue (if so, what is "queued" for?) The number hasn't decreased since I started the daemon.

There's more logs lines to fill in the gaps. That's how many items are in your starr queues, waiting for you to do something with them.

It's also strange to see 32 items extracted, none finished and none imported. It seems like your starr app(s) not behaving correctly.

@seglo Do you still need assistance with this?