UN_FOLDER_0_DELETE_AFTER not respecting default value if unset
lswee opened this issue · 4 comments
I can't seem to get DELETE_ORIGINAL to work, unless I'm misunderstanding its functionality. Should the original .zip be deleted once extraction is successful?
docker-compose.yml - I've just set it to normal folder and as a path within config folder on host for testing:
container_name: unpackerr
image: ghcr.io/hotio/unpackerr
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- UN_FOLDER_0_PATH=/config/watch
- ./unpackerr:/config
restart: unless-stopped
Log showing delete original set to 'true' - note, I've also tried the golift/unpackerr image with the same results:
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-perms: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-perms successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-secrets: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-secrets successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-setup: starting
_ _ _
| |__ ___ | |_(_) ___
| '_ \ / _ \| __| |/ _ \
| | | | (_) | |_| | (_) |
|_| |_|\___/ \__|_|\___/
Donate: https://hotio.dev/donate
Documentation: https://hotio.dev/containers/unpackerr
Support: https://hotio.dev/discord
Image: hotio/unpackerr:release
Revision: 9072cf8
Version: 0.14.5
OS: Linux 6.6.31+rpt-rpi-v8 aarch64
Executing usermod...
usermod: no changes
Applying permissions to /config
s6-rc: info: service init-setup successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-setup-app: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-setup-app successfully started
s6-rc: info: service init-wireguard: starting
s6-rc: info: service init-wireguard successfully started
s6-rc: info: service service-unpackerr: starting
s6-rc: info: service service-unpackerr successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 Unpackerr v0.14.5- Starting! PID: 144, UID: 1000, GID: 1000, Umask: 2, Now: 2024-08-18 13:04:09 +0100 BST
[ERROR] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 Missing Radarr URL in one of your configurations, skipped and ignored.
[ERROR] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 Missing Sonarr URL in one of your configurations, skipped and ignored.
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 ==> GoLift Discord: https://golift.io/discord <==
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 ==> Startup Settings <==
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 => Using Config File: /config/unpackerr.conf, age: 10 hours 31 mins 25 secs
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 => Sonarr Config: 0 servers
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 => Radarr Config: 0 servers
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 => Lidarr Config: 0 servers
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 => Readarr Config: 0 servers
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 => Folder Config: 1 path: /config/watch (delete_after:0s, delete_orig:true, log_file:true, move_back:true, isos:false, event_buffer:20000)
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 => Parallel: 1
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 => Passwords: 0 (rar/7z)
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 => Interval: 2m
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 => Start/Delete Delay: 1m/5m
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 => Retry Delay: 5m, max: 3
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 => GUI / StdErr: false / false
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 => Debug / Quiet: false / false
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 => Activity / Queues: false / 1m
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 => Directory & File Modes: 0755 & 0644
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 => Webhook Configs: 0 URLs
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 => Command Hook Configs: 0 commands
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 => Webserver Disabled
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 [Folder] Watching (fsnotify): /config/watch
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:08 [Folder] Polling @ 1s: /config/watch
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:04:41 [Folder] Tracking New Item: /config/watch/test.zip (event: f CREATE)
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:05:08 [Unpackerr] Queue: 0 waiting, 0 queued, 0 extracting, 0 extracted, 0 imported, 0 failed, 0 deleted
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:05:08 [Unpackerr] Totals: 0 retries, 0 finished, 0|0 webhooks, 0|0 cmdhooks, stacks; event:0, hook:0, del:0, up 1 min 10 ms 817 µs
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:05:43 [Folder] Queued: /config/watch/test.zip, queue size: 1
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:05:43 [Folder] Extraction Started: /config/watch/test.zip, retries: 0, items in queue: 0
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:05:43 Deleted (recursively): /config/watch/test.zip_unpackerred
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:05:43 [Folder] Tracking New Item: /config/watch/test (event: f CREATE)
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:05:43 [Folder] Extraction Finished: /config/watch/test.zip => elapsed: 0s, archives: 1, extra archives: 0, files extracted: 2, written: 0MiB
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:05:53 [Folder] Finished, Removed History: /config/watch/test.zip
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:06:08 [Unpackerr] Queue: 0 waiting, 0 queued, 0 extracting, 0 extracted, 0 imported, 0 failed, 0 deleted
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:06:08 [Unpackerr] Totals: 0 retries, 1 finished, 0|0 webhooks, 0|0 cmdhooks, stacks; event:0, hook:0, del:0, up 2 mins 10 ms 736 µs
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:06:43 [Folder] Queued: /config/watch/test, queue size: 1
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:06:43 [Folder] Nothing Extracted: /config/watch/test: no compressed files found
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:07:08 [Unpackerr] Queue: 0 waiting, 0 queued, 0 extracting, 0 extracted, 0 imported, 0 failed, 0 deleted
[INFO] 2024/08/18 13:07:08 [Unpackerr] Totals: 0 retries, 1 finished, 0|0 webhooks, 0|0 cmdhooks, stacks; event:0, hook:0, del:0, up 3 mins 11 ms 780 µs
The result:
$ ls unpackerr/watch/
$ ls unpackerr/watch/
test test.zip
$ ls unpackerr/watch/test
test.txt _unpackerred.test.zip.txt
Not a bug; working as designed
"delete_after:0s" thus you've disabled delete. https://unpackerr.zip/docs/install/configuration#watch-folders
What baker meant to say is that you should unmount /config
so the config file is not used. It's got a setting to disable deletes in it.
No offence taken @bakerboy448 and thanks @davidnewhall.
I've removed the configuration file, but itt seems that unless I explicitly specify something for UN_FOLDER_0_DELETE_AFTER
, it defaults to '0s'.
However, the documentation says that the default is 10m - am I missing something again?
As what I was seeing is the intended logic, but there's understandable confusion, could I please suggest clarifying the documentation? Expanding the note next to DELETE_AFTER
to include something like "0s
disables deletion even if DELETE_FILES
is true
" would have certainly avoided me thinking there was an error.
I know I interpreted it wrong, but just to share that I saw "delete after" as being a "delay" option and therefore disabling this delay meant there wouldn't be one, not that the file wouldn't be deleted at all, but that it'd be deleted immediately.
Confirmed there is a bug where 10m is not being properly set when the variable is not explicit.