
Use of prettier ignores .editorconfig in vscode

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When using the prettier extension in vscode settings in .editorconfig are used (with editorconfig extenison). eg indent set to tab

However when using this svelte extension to invoke prettier for svelte components .editorconfig is ignored.

Thus need to duplicate settings in the prettier config file

Prettier also not honoring (both default or workspace):

"editor.detectIndentation": false,
"editor.insertSpaces": false,
"editor.tabSize": 4,

... which translates to "i'm old and use real tab characters, just because i know it bothers anyone born this millennium falcon."


which translates to "i'm old and use real tab characters, just because i know it bothers anyone born this millennium falcon."

[off topic]
One unsung feature of sveltejs is the examples sneak in a return to tabs! :-P
I guess the days of inconsitent tabs stops are pretty much gone, though if you ever 'cat' or 'type' you may find the default is 8 and it gets messy again like the bad old days.